Quaker forums survey
Eric Howland, who has faithfully and generously organized the 9:45 Sunday Quaker Forums for many years, will soon be stepping down from that role. An hoc committee was formed last September to guide our MMM community in exploring how and why we use the between early and late Meetings for Worship. Your ideas are invaluable! Please share them as soon as possible by:
• Completing the survey on your computer and emailing it, or
• Completing a paper survey by printing or picking one up in the meetinghouse library, or
• Attending the 11/24/24 Forum, or
• Speaking to any ad hoc committee member: Karen Greenler, Dick Dubielzig, Frances Hough, Chuck Schobert, Robin Lankton Lowney, or Pamela Minden.
Or download a copy to fill out and send or give to Pamela Minden (pbminden@gmail.com)