Roundtable Discussion on Polarization Opportunities Jan 25
If you are like most Americans, the storm of polarization exploding across the country looks like tragedy. But if you are George Lakey, longtime Quaker activist, the era is also exploding with opportunity, and cooperatives have a role to play! 7 years ago, Yes! Magazine published a George Lakey piece about the potential and pitfalls of polarized times. Some say that events since then prove his point while others remain highly skeptical.
We want to hear what YOU have to say. Truth be told, the jury is still out for a lot of folks when it comes to Lakey’s theories, and that makes sense. His ideas come from a long life of community organizing and only in community can they receive their due.
So, in that spirit, Perennial Cooperative, south side of Madison, will be hosting a deep dive into one of his most provocative articles. The more perspectives the better!
What: Roundtable Discussion on The Hopeful Thing about Our Ugly Polarization.
Where: Perennial Housing Cooperative, 5318 Hoboken Rd.
When: Saturday, Jan 25, 2 – 4
Facilitated by Seth Jensen and Chuck Schobert