Committees and Clerks
Committees are the life of the Meeting!
Committees are essential to the life and work of the Madison Meeting and a great way to get to know more Friends. The following committees welcome your involvement. Please email the committee or for information about opportunities.
Activism in Our World – Supporting our Testimonies
AFSC Committee Job Description
This international Quaker organization that promotes lasting peace with justice, as a practical expression of faith in action. The committee in Madison Meeting supports AFSC’s work by providing information about programs and policy positions, advocates for key issues, and sponsors fundraising events.
More information about the AFSC Mission and Values is available at
AFSC History
“AFSC has more than nine decades of experience building peace in communities worldwide. Founded in the crucible of World War I by Quakers who aimed to serve both humanity and country while being faithful to their commitment to nonviolence, AFSC has worked throughout the world in conflict zones, in areas affected by natural disasters, and in oppressed communities to address the root causes of war and violence.
In 1947, AFSC was a co-recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, on behalf of all Quakers for our work ‘…from the nameless to the nameless….”
More information about the AFSC History is available at
The AFSC works in the United States and throughout the world. Locations of work and descriptions of the work is available at
FCNL Committee Job Description
FCNL lobbies Congress and the administration to advance peace, justice, opportunity, and environmental stewardship. Madison’s FCNL Advocacy Team volunteers are part of a national network and regularly lobby Congress. The FCNL Committee stays abreast of issues of concern to Quakers through the FCNL (Friends Committee on National Legislation) national office. We raise timely topics with the Meeting, encouraging communication with elected federal representatives. Learn more about FCNL.
PSEC Committee Job Description
Organizes regular discussion and worship sharing to enhance understanding of Friends’ testimonies on peace, social and earth concerns. Encourages living the Quaker peace testimony in daily life. Helps identify service and advocacy opportunities. Serves as a resource and link with other Meetings, and with organizations working to overcome social, economic and political injustice.
Currently The Peace, Social & Earth Concerns (PSEC) Committee has 3 subcommittees focusing on anti-racism, climate and peace.
PSEC connects with others working on issues of peacemaking, racial and social justice, sustainable environment, universal health care, criminal justice, and nonviolent communication/conflict resolution.
Learn more on the Social Justice page
Service to Our Meeting Community
Plans and coordinates food preparation, serving and cleanup for social time between Meetings for Worship on First Day to enhance fellowship.
Communications & Technology Committee Job Description
Responsible for the Meeting’s computer and internet resources, including website, email lists and database. Oversees audio-visual and sound equipment for meetings, presentations and events.
Directory Committee Job Description
Publishes directory for Madison Meeting. Updates information, maintains database, oversees printing and mailing and distributed digital version. or
The announcements team sends out weekly e-mail announcements with the upcoming schedule, special events, and information and requests submitted by committees and other members of our community.
Library Committee Job Description
Maintains and updates the Meeting library. Orders books, prepares them for circulation, and reviews publications for the newsletter.
The Memorial Committee provides information about Advance Directives regarding health care; care for finances and other property; hospice care; death- and funeral-arrangements; death related legal requirements; and procedures for bequeathing one’s body to a medical school or donating one’s organs for persons requiring transplants. We also plan memorial meetings for worship and provide support for bereaved familes and friends. You may also file your memorial plans with the Committee for future use.
We encourage Friends to make plans in a timely manner for their own deaths and memorial arrangements, and to notify close friends, their next-of-kin, and the Memorial Committee of their preferences regarding such matters. When death occurs, it can be sudden and unexpected. At such times the Memorial Committee is ready to help.
We can help you plan ahead for your own demise and death, and we can help you with the decisions and actions you need to take after the death of a loved one. We will try to be available for you when you need us.
Newsletter Committee Job Description
Publishes articles of interest to the Meeting, Meeting for Business minutes and items for spiritual nurture.
Social & Hospitality Committee Job Description
Fosters and promotes a friendly, caring community within the Meeting. Creates a hospitable, welcoming atmosphere for worship and fellowship, organizes social events and provides support and appreciation for individuals and families in the Meeting. Co-hosts events with other committees.
Service on the following committees is by nomination only. Contact the Nominating Committee if you are interested in one of these committees.
Oversees maintenance, improvements and safe operation of Meetinghouse, Resident Friends house, and grounds. Arranges for upkeep and repairs, addresses energy issues, and organizes spring and fall community workdays
Care Committee Job Description
Care Committee meets monthly to conduct work that is multifaceted, dynamic and divided into these main areas: Provides support and coordinates pastoral care for attenders and members, convenes and coordinates clearness committees for membership, marriage, individual leadings or personal support.
Finance Committee Job Description
Treasurer & Assistant Treasurer Job Descriptions
Oversees Meeting finances and helps prepare an annual budget in consultation with the Treasurer. Reviews requests and makes recommendations on expenditures to Meeting for Business.
First Day School Committee Job Description
First Day School Committee oversees, supports, and forms policy for children and youth program. Hires and supervises paid First Day School staff. Learn more about First Day School.
The Ministry & Counsel Committee is concerned with the spiritual growth and welfare of the Meeting as well as the quality of our worship. It nourishes the spirituality of the Meeting by planning and organizing retreats and forums; secures, prepares, and makes pamphlets available; offers care and support to worship groups under the care of the Meeting; recruits members for Nominating Committee.
Nominating Committee Job Description
The Nominating Committee encourages participation on all committees and makes nominations for clerks, representatives, and all nominated committees except itself. (Members of the Nominating Committee are nominated by the Ministry & Counsel Committee).
Safe Community Committee Job Description
Implements guidelines to ensure the safety of our children, sets specific limitations on Meeting participation for those with a past history of sexual offense, and works with Ministry & Counsel to provide education on child sexual abuse and the needs of survivors.
Resources to protect children – Darkness to Light, and Stop it Now
Other Positions:
Archive Committee Job Description
Archives Committee maintains Meeting records for preservation, keeping them organized and accessible.
The Forums Coordinator schedules topics and manages hosts & setup for the 9:45 Sunday gathering programs.
NYM Representative Job Description
The Northern Yearly Meeting (NYM) Representative serves as a liaison between the Madison Meeting and our regional Quaker organization, NYM, communicating news and other important information both ways.
Clerks and Staff
Presiding Clerk Job Description
The Presiding Clerk works with the Clerks Team to prepare for and facilitate the monthly Meeting for Business, works with committees as needed, corresponds on business related matters and represents the Meeting in in legal matters or in an official capacity as needed. The Presiding Clerk serves for 2 years.
Assistant Clerks Job Description
Assistant clerks take on responsibilities according to their skills and interests, and provide support to the Presiding Clerk. The role of the assistant clerks vary and are determined in consultation with the current presiding clerk. Tasks are shared among people from early Meeting and late Meeting for Worship.
The Clerks team consists of the Presiding Clerk, Assistant Clerks and the Recording Clerk.
Recording Clerk Job Description
The Recording Clerk takes minutes during Meeting for Business and participates in the clerks team meetings.
The statistical clerk is responsible for keeping accurate, up to date records of Madison Monthly Meeting members.
Data Clerk Job Description
The Database Team works in collaboration with the Directory Committee to keep member and attender contact information up to date.
Web Clerk Job Description
The Web Clerk is responsible for maintaining the Meeting’s website content with assistance from members of the Communications & Technology Committee.
Children’s Program Coordinator Job Description