Our Community

We have a wide range of opportunities to get to know each other, enrich our lives, support each other and connect with our local and global community.

In addition to silent worship, we gather for weddings, memorials, celebrations, special events, potlucks and impromptu social time. We offer ways to help each other during challenging times, support each other in our pursuits, and come to clearness around difficult decisions. Youth and adults develop skills and leadership as they participate in Meeting activities.

We conduct business collectively, in a spirit of worship. Learn more about Quaker business process.

We welcome you to come and explore!

Sunday Gathering and Brunch is a time for socializing between early and late worship. Brunch is provided most Sundays during the school year and occasionally during the summer. Stay and talk with people, or bring a plate & drink upstairs and join the Forum.

Forums are held at 9:45 most Sundays (excluding the first Sunday when we have Business Meeting) and listed in the calendar. These may take the form of worship sharing, informal discussion, or guest presenters. Topics are varied and include spiritual discernment, social justice issues, or pertinent Meeting issues. 

Meetinghouse workdays are a great time to get to know people while working alongside to do meetinghouse upkeep or landscaping.

Adult Young Friends: “Young” is self-defined for this group of that meets periodically to socialize or attend events. Contact: ayf@madisonfriends.org

First Day School: Youth programming that runs concurrent with Sunday 11:15 Meeting for Worship. Learn more

Friendly 8’s groups are formed for people to get to know each other better in small groups over a period of time.

Service projects and community events (a sampling):

Resources for Quaker enrichment

The Meetinghouse Library has a large collection of books on many topics, and some videos that can be checked out for a period of time. Come and browse our collection!

Inquirers Groups are offered periodically to help newcomers and Friends with all levels of experience explore together what it means to be a Quaker. 

Spiritual Nurture Retreats are sponsored by our Ministry & Counsel Committee. 

Northern Yearly Meeting holds Annual Sessions on Memorial Day weekend. This regional gathering of Friends of all ages, is centered around a theme, and offers plenaries, workshops, and opportunities for fellowship and recreation in addition to business meetings. There is a vibrant Children and Youth program.

Friends General Conference Gathering, generally the first beginning of July, offers a chance to immerse yourself in a community of Friends from all over the country and beyond. The week of the Gathering is packed with programs and events, from small group morning workshops to public evening plenaries, and programs for children, teens and young adults.

Friends Couple Enrichment offers workshops for committed couples to help nurture their relationships using Quaker values and practices, and hone good communication skills. Workshops are open to any adult couple in a committed relationship regardless of marital status, gender identity, sexual orientation, or Meeting affiliation.

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