Information for Members & Attenders

If you are a member or have been attending Madison Friends Meeting, you can fill out this form to request the weekly email announcements and the monthly newsletter to get more detailed information about what’s going on within our Meeting community and how to engage. You may also wish to deepen your connection to the community or contribute time or gifts.

Register and log in for additional private content (Newsletters with business meeting minutes, Meeting Directory and other contact information, Committee rosters and more)

Open any of the sections below to learn more:


Weekly announcements include worship times, upcoming events, weekly gathering topics, committee meetings, special events, and other announcements submitted by members and attenders. Email to submit an announcement or to request the weekly announcements sheet by email. You can also pick up a paper copy at Meeting for Worship each Sunday.

The monthly newsletter includes more information about the Meeting, articles, Joys and Sorrows, and minutes of Business Meeting. To request the newsletter by email or postal mail, or to offer an article, send a message to or fill in one of the forms near the guestbook in the Meetinghouse. Newsletters are available to members & attenders on the private site.

NOTE: Some people report that the emailed announcements and newsletter go to their spam folders; for others, especially those with email addresses, the messages may never arrive. Your best bet is to check this website for updates and newsletters.

All are invited whether you are a member of Meeting or not – this includes children. Child care is available on request.

Quakers conduct business through “monthly meetings for worship with attention to business” and through committee meetings. The Quaker process that is used to conduct business is radically different from the manner in which business is conducted in modern society. In making decisions, Quakers strive for a “sense of the meeting.” We believe that by following Quaker process, we will be led to a view of the truth and God’s direction for us.

NYM Faith & Practice reminds us that our presence, as members or attenders, matters to the “right working” of Meeting for Worship to Conduct Business. Everyone has a responsibility to: • maintain a worshipful attitude • listen carefully and with respect • speak when led, to the point, and without repetition • address the clerk by raising a hand when wishing to speak • speak to the group as a whole, not to individuals • come prepared and informed • season matters in committee before bringing to Meeting for Business • come with a mind open to the working of the Spirit, prepared to change one’s mind and set aside personal interests • seek unity when differences arise.

Quaker Topics Forums are held in person and virtually every Sunday at 9:45 am, except during business meetings.

Topic suggestions should be directed to

Programs for children & youth are available most of the year. Please see the Children & Youth page and check the Calendar for updates.

Are you interested in connecting with Friends closer to your age? Contact to meet younger adults and participate in events.

Contributions to the Madison Friends Meeting – whether designated for a particular purpose, given as a one-time gift or part of sustained giving are appreciated and treated confidentially. We appreciate the gifts each person is able to give in time and service or in financial contributions.

To contribute electronically, please use the Donate button on the website menu, or contact

Make checks out to Madison Monthly Meeting and send to Friends House, c/o Treasurer, 1704 Roberts Ct, Madison, WI 53711-2029 or drop them in the slot by the guest book in the lobby. Thank you!

Unless designated otherwise, donations will go towards the annual budget of the Meeting, which includes staff and supplies for First Day School, building operation and maintenance, general administrative costs, and charitable contributions made by the Meeting.

Your participation is vital to the well being of the Meeting. You are encouraged to contact the convener of the committee that interests you. Most committees welcome new members at any time of the year. Positions on Finance, Care, First Day School, Nominating, and Ministry & Counsel start in July. If you would like to serve on one of these committees, let Nominating Committee know so you can be considered for future openings. Committee list

Meeting Resources

Send an email to with date, time, committee or group name, and number expected to attend, or call 608-256-2249 and leave a message. If time is short, contact caretakers at 608-381-0563.

If your concern relates to a matter that is handled by a Meeting committee (e.g., Peace, Social and Earth Concerns Committee), contact the committee’s convener. If your concern doesn’t relate to an existing committee, discuss it with the Clerk, who may suggest bringing it to Meeting for Business or having a special Called Meeting. Sometimes raising a concern results in the formation of a new committee.


Membership is not required to be part of most of the meeting’s activities, but is a personal decision about deepening your commitment and spiritual connection to the meeting.

If you are interested, write a letter to the Clerk stating your desire to become a member of the Madison Meeting. Your request will be read at the next Meeting for Business and a clearness committee will be set up to meet with you. Meeting members who wish to serve on the committee may do so. After meeting with you, the clearness committee will report their recommendation to a later business meeting.

Learn more about membership in Northern Yearly Meeting’s Faith and Practice publication.

To be married under the care of the Meeting, either you or your partner must be a member of Madison Monthly Meeting. Begin by writing a letter to the Clerk. Your request for marriage will come before the next Meeting for Business (MfB) and a clearness committee will be set up to meet with you and your partner. If clearness is reached, the committee will report to the next MfB. A new committee (or members of the original committee) will advise and assist you with planning and conducting your wedding. Allow 2-3 months for the full process.

Members and attenders of MMM may request assistance for a personal emergency or to offset the cost of attending a course, retreat or event deemed spiritually enriching for the individual and/or the Meeting. To initiate a request for assistance, contact a member of Finance Committee. For non-emergency requests, allow 5-8 weeks for consideration. Emergency requests are handled confidentially and as expeditiously as possible. They may be made by the individual who needs help or by a person aware of dire circumstances facing a member or attender. Persons in need who are not attenders of MMM will be directed to appropriate community resources.

There are several ways you can inform Meeting of personal needs. Making an announcement after Meeting might be appropriate. Another way is to contact a member of the Care Committee. When a need arises, feel free to speak with someone in the Meeting about your needs. Sometimes Just talking with one of two people will help identify a solution. If you wish, a clearness committee may be formed to meet with you. If you are unsure how to proceed, contact the Meeting Clerk or convener of Care Committee to discuss steps that might help.

Contact the Memorial Committee to arrange a memorial meeting. Meeting attenders can file burial and other preferences with the Committee to help guide family members after a death occurs. Family can also request assistance in making arrangements for hospitality after the service.

Madison Monthly Meeting has two Zoom accounts we can use to connect by phone or video for worship, committees, First Day School and other Meeting events. 

To schedule a meeting, please view the Zoom scheduling calendar here, and then contact to request a time.

By-laws of the Madison Friends Meeting

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