Social Justice
Quakers have historically been involved in social and political movements in support of oppressed and disadvantaged people, including the abolition of slavery and reform of prison conditions. We are guided by some basic testimonies:
- Simplicity
- Peace
- Integrity
- Community
- Equality
- Stewardship
At Madison Friends Meeting here are some of the ways we carry out on these testimonies:
- Our Peace, Social and Earth Concerns Committee sponsors regular forums and special events to help educate about issues and provide opportunities for people to become involved. We provide focus for the Meeting’s social justice work in these areas: Anti-racism, Climate and Peace. If you are interested in participating in one of these areas, please contact us at
- Our Anti-Racism Strategic Plan outlines how we engage with community groups, encourage personal exploration and education within our community, and challenge ourselves to be actively anti-racist in decisions we make in our business and committee meetings.
- We participate as individuals and as a Meeting in local and wider-reaching organizations and actions working for peace and social justice. We support Quaker and other social justice and charitable organizations through a portion of our budget and by publicizing needs and opportunities to our community.
- As a Meeting we craft public statements (called minutes) on current issues and distribute them widely.
- Our community nurtures individual leadings and offers opportunities to share and connect with others.