Children and Youth Opportunities
Religious Education
First Day School (Sunday School) for children and youth from preschool through high school is held on Sunday mornings during the regular school year.
- Other youth activities and intergenerational activities occur throughout the year.
- Nursery care is available during 11:10 Sunday Meeting for Worship.

Connecting with other Quakers
Northern Yearly Meeting has a Children and Youth program and teen programs during the Annual Session (Memorial Day weekend).
Middle School and High School youth also have the opportunity to meet other Quaker youth from the region by participating in Northern Yearly Meeting retreats during the year.
Friends General Conference Gathering, generally the first beginning of July, offers a chance to immerse in a community of Friends from all over the country and beyond. The week of the Gathering is packed with programs and events, from small group morning workshops to public evening plenaries, and programs for children, teens and young adults.
Camp Woodbrooke
Camp Woodbrooke is a unique, residential summer camp located on 162 acres in southwestern Wisconsin. for campers ages 7-12, and a program for teens ages 13-15. Some teens from Madison have volunteered as helpers during camp sessions, and several have become counselors when they are old enough to work.